We're a local Christian church whose focus is to demonstrate God's love and our faith in Jesus Christ as we serve Him in the community. You may well find our church lives just round the corner from you. We may live in the same kind of house as you, have the same kind of job as you and shop where you shop. So what makes us different? We believe God loves us and wants you to know that He loves you too. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to the earth to show us what God is really like, so that we can have a personal and living relationship with Him.
God has brought us together to worship Him. In worship God speaks to us through the preaching in which the Bible is taught and explained. We respond by praising God, praying to Him, and so learning what He plans for us and requires of us in daily life.

As part of Christ's world-wide church we aim to play our part in its growth at home and abroad. We do this by personal and congregational prayer support for Christian workers who have gone all over the earth to tell about the love of God, so that many may come to a living relationship with Him.
Kirknewton and East Calder church does not exist for its members alone. We are here for all those who reside in our community and its surrounding areas. Whether you believe or not, we are here for you. Please contact us if you'd like to know more, or speak to one of us at the church door. We're looking forward to meeting you in person.