Kids & Youth Activites
The meeting times, dates and locations for all groups and activities can be found on the
Church Calendar.
EnerJ runs during the Church service at East Calder. It is for children age 3 to Primary 7. We meet in the Church Hall for our time together and then, towards the end of the Worship Service in the Church, we join the congregation for a short Children's Address and song.During the year, different EnerJ songs have been looked at and their meaning explained to the children, which has been successful, with the children finding it interesting and good fun. Through DVDs, stories, challenges and drama, the meaning of the songs is explored. Following this there are lots of activities such as painting, games, crafts which the children enjoy. Recent efforts to increase the number of children attending EnerJ have been successful and, at present, we now have 10-15 children attending.All children welcome.

KNEC Bairns’ Rock Wednesdays in school term times, from 9.30-11.30am (although come at 9am if that suits you better, and help us set up!). Our mission is To be a place that supports parents and carers of babies and preschool children and helps give children the best start in life through music, play, craft and story.
The FB Page will post nursery rhymes, songs and stories used with babies and preschool kids at the weekly KNECBR sessions.
The FB Page will post nursery rhymes, songs and stories used with babies and preschool kids at the weekly KNECBR sessions.

All sections meet in East Calder Church Hall on Friday evenings at the following times-
- Anchor boys (Primaries 1-3) 6:30 - 7:30 pm
- Junior Section (Primaries 4, 5 & 6) 6.30 - 8 pm
- Company Section (Primary 7 to age 18) 7.30 - 9.30pm
Further information at

Holiday Club
The annual Holiday Club, which runs for 5 mornings normally in August in East Calder Church Hall, is a key outreach activity for Kirknewton and East Calder Parish Church. Each year there are between 50 and 65 children of Primary School age attending, many of whom are not regular attendees at Church. Through the Holiday Club the Church has the opportunity to further integrate with the parish and teach the children about the Bible and Jesus. Each Holiday Club has an overarching theme which, through a mixture of crafts, drama, Bible stories, sports and messy play, allows the children to enjoy learning. In 2016 the children learnt about Peter the Rock, at Rocky’s Plaice, ‘our’ fish and chip shop. Naturally, the Church Hall was transformed into a Fish and Chip Shop for the week. In past years the Church Hall has been transformed into a Space Station, a Jungle and a Desert Island to name but a few.