Groups & Activities for Adults
The meeting times, dates and locations for all groups and activities can be found on the
Church Calendar.
Lunch Club
The Lunch Club has been running successfully for many years, on first and third Thursdays of the month, in conjunction with The Break (see below). Members of the congregation provide soups, bread, sweets, biscuits and cheese serving a wide age range of people from within the congregation and the wider community.

The Break
The Break, our midweek time of praise, worship and fellowship meets on the first and third Thursday of the month (after the Lunch Club). Each half hour meeting gives the opportunity for singing, praying and to hear a message from God’s word in an informal environment.

The Guild
The Guild Meets on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from August - November and March - May at 7.30pm in East Calder Church Hall. The Guild provides a varied and interesting programme to suit a wide range of interests, and although traditionally it has been viewed as an organisation for women, it is now open to both men and women.

Men's Fellowship
After a number of months, the Men’s Fellowship have now resumed their meetings, at a new time slot of 8.30am on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. The meeting starts with breakfast and continues with an informal talk and discussion.
Guest speakers are invited on occasions and this leads to a wide variety of interesting subjects.

Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment.
The Alpha course is an eleven week video-based programme, which explores the meaning of life and the ways in which the Christian faith relates to our questions and uncertainties. It's an opportunity to ask questions, to explore "faith-related issues" and to share with in fellowship.
The Alpha course is an eleven week video-based programme, which explores the meaning of life and the ways in which the Christian faith relates to our questions and uncertainties. It's an opportunity to ask questions, to explore "faith-related issues" and to share with in fellowship.

Our House Group programme provides an informal environment for fellowship, sharing, learning and encouragement as we study God’s Word. There are two House Groups, with a total of between 15 and 20 people meeting on a weekly basis.

Prayer Groups
The Prayer Group meets on Monday evenings in the Prayer Room at East Calder Church between 7.30 and 8.30 where there is an opportunity to pray for our families, our fellowship, our community and the wider world. All are welcome.
There is also an opportunity to come to the Prayer Room at close of Sunday worship in East Calder Church for individual confidential prayer.
Meeting in small groups of two or three at other times for prayer is also encouraged.
There is also an opportunity to come to the Prayer Room at close of Sunday worship in East Calder Church for individual confidential prayer.
Meeting in small groups of two or three at other times for prayer is also encouraged.

In Focus
In September 2018, In Focus, our Sunday evening time of Worship, Praise and Fellowship started its 17th year.
The In Focus programme varies week on week. For example, some weeks people will share on a new beginning or ending in their lives and reflect on the way the experience has helped them to know God better.
Our Ministry Team and others will talk on Big Issues from a Christian perspective, and the songs of praise evenings will conclude each term.
The In Focus programme varies week on week. For example, some weeks people will share on a new beginning or ending in their lives and reflect on the way the experience has helped them to know God better.
Our Ministry Team and others will talk on Big Issues from a Christian perspective, and the songs of praise evenings will conclude each term.
Forget Me Not Café (Dementia Café)
The Café meets on the last Thursday of each month between 10.00am and 12 noon in East Calder Church Hall. There are two leaders and four volunteer helpers from the congregation. There are also a few other volunteers from outwith the congregation. Currently there are five people suffering from dementia attending on a regular basis.

Bible Study Group
This group comprises members of the congregation who meet in Kirknewton Church Hall for about an hour on the last Wednesday of every month. The group is led by the Minister with the aim of exploring particular Bible texts or wider Bible topics in relaxed and informal surroundings, which allows a freedom for people to voice concerns and anxieties about the Bible, the Church and the world. Of course, in addition to the formal discussion and learning there is also fun and laughter as the group share with each other life’s ups and downs and put the world to rights. The average attendance is around 9 members

Singing Group
The Singing Group meets weekly on Tuesday evenings in Kirknewton Church for an hour of singing, laughter and fellowship. In addition to leading the singing in Kirknewton Church on a Sunday the Group usually concludes the service with an exit hymn. The Group has sung special pieces on several occasions such as Easter and Christmas services and also at Communion and Armistice Sunday. Anyone who just wishes to sing is welcome even if unable to come to the Sunday Services in Kirknewton.
Lending Library
This is available in East Calder Church Hall.